We heart your heart.
Let’s work together to keep it healthy!


Having a healthy heart starts at home. Poor indoor air quality in your home is hard on your heart and health overall.

Research has shown there is a direct correlation between indoor air quality and certain disease risks, including coronary heart disease and stroke.

Improving your indoor air quality is an important way to ensure a healthy heart for many years to come.

Here are six of the top ways to improve your indoor air quality and help your heart:

  1. Remove your shoes – Take off your shoes when you enter your house to keep the chemicals, pollen, dirt and dust you accumulate outside.
  2. Create a no smoking policy – If you smoke, do it outside. This is one of the best things you can do to protect your indoor quality.
  3. Limit the use of aerosols – Aerosols should be avoided as they can cause skin reactions, aggravate allergies as well as trigger heart problems.
  4. Monitor humidity – By monitoring the humidity in your home, you can avoid the development of mold which can cause serious health problems.
  5. Air purifiers – If you have breathing problems or allergies, an investment in an air purifier may be worth it to keep the air clean in your home… see more information below! 
  6. Houseplants – Add some nature to your indoor living space and improve your indoor air quality with inexpensive houseplants that can improve the air in your home.

Let’s work together to make the air in your home the cleanest and safest it can possibly be to keep you and your precious heart happy and healthy!


Total Mechanical Systems HVAC