As the cold weather approaches, you want to make sure your heating system is up and running as efficiently as possible. Considering that, you need to know the signs of an inefficient heating system. If you heating system is running inefficiently, you are throwing money away by forcing it to work as hard as it can, without getting the proper results. Luckily, we can address any issues during your service appointment or annual maintenance, but you need to know what to look for.

inefficient heating

Here are a few ways you can tell if your heating system is inefficient.

  1. Longer Heating Times. A sure sign that your heating system isn’t working properly is that it takes too long to warm your home. If you notice your heating system is continuously running, but your home isn’t getting any warmer, you should turn it off and call a repair technician to come take a look. Also. if you set the thermostat, but some rooms feel like a wood-fired smoker while other areas feel like a giant deep freeze, it’s time to have your system inspected.
  2. Higher Energy Bills. If your heating system is running inefficiently, it uses more energy and fuel in order to keep your house warm. This can lead to an increase in your monthly energy bills. So, if you find yourself paying more and more for heating each month, even though you’re not cranking up the heat more than usual, there is most likely something wrong with your heating system.
  3. Cold Air Instead of Hot Air. If you turn your heat on and cold air blows out, this is definitely a warning sign. Again, this can lead to you wasting money since your system is not running properly.
  4. Repairs. You’re paying for repair services far too often.
  5. Noises. Your house makes a lot of noises, and they seem to be coming from the heating system.

Now, you should be able to easily detect the warning signs of an inefficient heating system. If your heating system is showing any signs of inefficiency, it’s important to contact the professionals at Total Mechanical Systems right away and we’ll take care of everything! Call us today!!!!