Maybe you’ve noticed, but it is COLD!!! outside… we’re talking frigid temperatures that hurt your face as soon as you step outside. Here are some things you should have on your mind when an extreme cold front rolls in…

Be prepared for chillier indoor temperatures. There is only so much your HVAC system is going to be able to do to keep your home warm. There will come a point when even the best system is going to struggle to keep up with demand. Break out the sweaters and blankets, and drink a cup of hot cocoa.

Don’t crank the heat. As mentioned above, it may feel like your home just can’t get warm enough. Resist the temptation to blast the heat. All you’ll achieve is a higher utility bill.

Don’t be afraid to turn the thermostat down a degree or two. If your system is constantly running trying to reach the temperature you have your thermostat set to, consider a lower temperature setting. This way, your system will turn off sooner – saving money on utility bills and reducing wear and tear on your unit.

Consider weather stripping around your windows and doors. Drafts during extremely cold weather may also be making your home feel like the inside of an igloo. You can pick up weather stripping at your local hardware store to help combat these drafts.

Make sure your outside vents are clear. Do you know where your gas furnace vents the byproducts of combustion? Make sure your vent is clear from snow and winter debris to make sure those byproducts are exiting your home correctly.

Registers and vents indoors should also be clear. Make sure furniture and rugs are not blocking your indoor vents either. You also want to make sure they were not accidentally closed. Blocked vents and registers can result in cold rooms and system damage.

If even after doing all of this you still feel like your system isn’t doing its part to tackle the extreme cold, give us a call at 860-314-1518. Stay warm out there!!!!